Ragnarok Development Notes


* The sysupdate[1] command is finished, which brings Ragnarok one step
closer to having a clear separation between the base system and third
party packages (those from the Debian repo). It will require further
testing, but after testing and abusing it profusely over the last two
days I have not encountered any issue.

* How it actually works: sysupdate will first fetch a list of updates
from the mirror, compare it to the list located in /var/db/updates,
then download and install the missing updates if there are any, using
the dpkg -i command.

* Security model: all operations, minus dpkg, are performed as an
unprivileged user (called _sysupdate) which has no home directory and
no login shell. Furthermore, the update list and the updated packages
themselves are signed and verified with signify[2]. If at any point
the signature verification fails, sysupdate will exit with an error.
One may argue that signing the update list itself is redundant, which
could very well be the case, but this redundancy doesn't hurt.

* Anyone who is using the current (2023-07-11) iso and who wishes to
test the command can install it the following way:

	# useradd --system --no-create-home --home /nonexistent \
		--shell=/usr/sbin/nologin _sysupdate
	# mkdir -p /usr/src/ragnarok
	# chown user:user /usr/src/ragnarok
	$ cd /usr/src/ragnarok
	$ git clone https://github.com/RagnarokOS/src.git
	$ cd src/usr/bin/sysupdate
	# make install
	$ cd
	# chown _sysupdate:_sysupdate /var/db/updates

Then, run the sysupdate command:

	$ doas sysupdate

* The command will be present in the next iso, so naturally the install
steps above will not be necessary.

* Refer to the manual pages for sysupdate and sysupdate.conf either in
the live system or online[3][4] for more information.

[1] https://github.com/RagnarokOS/src/tree/master/usr/bin/sysupdate
[2] https://man.openbsd.org/signify.1
[3] https://ragnarokos.github.io/man/man8/sysupdate.8.html
[4] https://ragnarokos.github.io/man/man8/sysupdate.conf.5.html