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About Ragnarok

Ragnarok is a Debian-based Linux® distribution whose purpose is to be small, simple, Unix-like and hardened by default. One of its core principle is to provide a fully functional base system while remaining as minimal as possible.

To that end, Ragnarok is built upon a Debian 'minbase' variant and the full system is divided in "sets" (or metapackages) which can be cherry-picked upon system installation. Only the 'base' set is mandatory, while all others (devel, xserv, xprogs, xfonts, virt) are optional.

Note that the base system does not include extra programs such as web browsers, video players, files managers, etc. It is up to the user to install what is desired.

Development Guidelines

The project is developed while abiding to the following guidelines:

Ragnarok's Infrastructure
