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Ragnarok is a Debian-based Linux® distribution whose purpose is to be small, simple, Unix-like and hardened by default. For more information, visit the about page.

This website is under construction, some links will lead to nowhere.


2024-09-24     The Ragnarok Installer Now Available for Testing
2023-09-30     Release: New -current Live ISO with Ragnarok Kernel Included

Download & Install

[1] Download — Get the latest Ragnarok release.
[2] Installation guide — System installation instructions.

Documentation & Development

[1] User Documentation: Manual PagesDocsWikiPrivacy Policy
[2] Development Documentation: Bug ReportContributingThe -current BranchTODO list
[3] Source: Github
[4] Logs: Known BugsChangelogs for Ragnarok 01 releasesDevelopment Notes

Contact & Support