Bug Reports
Bug reports can be submitted by opening an issue in the appropriate repository at https://github.com/orgs/RagnarokOS/repositories.
Bug Reporting Guidelines
When reporting a bug, make sure to follow these basic guidelines:
- Ensure that the bug is with Ragnarok itself and not with upsteam (Debian).
- Always verify if the bug has already been reported. If it was, comment in the already opened issue instead of opening a new one.
- Include the release version in the bug report title (e.g. [Stable] or [Current]).
- Include steps to reproduce, if there are any.
- Mention any deviations from a standard Ragnarok install, if there are any.
- No feature requests. See the Contributing page for that.
- Complaints about contributors' behavior outside Ragnarok's development channels do not count as bugs, so they have no place in the issue tracker.
Known bugs
None, yet.