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Ragnarok's Kernel Repository Enabled

Ragnarok's kernel repository has been enabled, which means it can now be installed and updated through apt, thus rendering the kernupd utility obsolete.

Users should add the following lines to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ragnarok.sources:

Types: deb
URIs: https://ragnarokos.github.io/kernel/deb/
Suites: 01
Components: main
Signed-by: /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ragnarok01.asc

Afterwards, apt should be used to install the appropriate kernel package.

If both Debian and Ragnarok kernels are installed:

# apt update && apt install linux-image-ragnarok-amd64

If only Ragnarok's build of the kernel is installed:

# apt update && apt install ragnarok-kernel

If the running kernel is up-to-date, then no upgrade will occur.

Note: ragnarok-kernel is a metapackage which fetches linux-image-ragnarok-amd64 plus all required dependencies, as well as the scripts normally provided by the standard Debian kernel. It is only needed if Debian's kernel is not installed.